Jurnal ICMES https://www.ic-mes.org/jurnal/index.php/jurnalICMES <p>Since April 2020 Jurnal ICMES has been accredited SINTA 4</p> <p><em><strong>p-issn: 2580-5657</strong></em></p> <p><em><strong>e-issn: 2621-7341</strong></em></p> <p><strong>Jurnal ICMES</strong> is published by the independent research institute, <strong>Indonesia Center for Middle East Studies (ICMES)</strong>. This journal seeks to publish balanced writings that enlightens the public and provides appropriate information about the Middle East in various aspects ranging from politics, economics, military, culture, and history. It is hoped that through these studies the Indonesian public apprehends the Middle East issues not only about war, but also about the potentials of cooperation, the opportunity to build dialogue, the resistance to radicalism, and the vast of its cultures and history. We encourage submissions from university students, researchers, academics, and policymakers in all fields related to Middle East Studies.<em> <br></em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Indonesia Center for Middle East Studies en-US Jurnal ICMES 2580-5657 Pemanfaatan Hak Eksplorasi Ruang Angkasa Menurut Outer Space Treaty 1967 oleh Program Ruang Angkasa Uni Emirat Arab https://www.ic-mes.org/jurnal/index.php/jurnalICMES/article/view/161 <p><em>United Arab Emirates (UAE) is actively using its space exploration rights. In achieving national space goals, congested geostationary orbit (GSO) and first come, first served practice are issues that threaten the UAE as a newcomer in space. UAE must utilize its space rights per the international regime, including when dealing with congested GSO issues. This study aims to determine the compliance of UAE's space exploration rights utilization in dealing with </em><em>congested</em><em> GSO issues according to the international regime. This study uses international regime theory by Krasner and astropolitics by Everett Dolman through a case study qualitative method. The results indicate that from an astropolitic theory, the UAE has utilized its rights by the prevailing regime. UAE mainly uses the rights from OST 1967 because they're more general and applicable. Provisions in other space regimes, agreements, and conventions still need to be applied to the UAE, which makes these rights only slightly relevant to the UAE's efforts to deal with the GSO issue.</em><em> However, the UAE may benefit from these rights in the future as the issue becomes more complex. UAE has been addressing the issue of congested GSO by conducting space activities in accordance with international regimes.</em></p> Nichollas Farellino Hasan Sidik ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 7 2 124 151 10.35748/jurnalicmes.v7i2.161 Kebijakan Luar Negeri Arab Saudi Terkait Perempuan dalam Kerangka Visi 2030 https://www.ic-mes.org/jurnal/index.php/jurnalICMES/article/view/178 <p><em>Saudi Vision 2030 changes domestic policy and Saudi Arabia's foreign policy landscape. Saudi Arabia is trying to change its position on the international stage by involving more women's contributions. This research aims to explain Saudi Arabia's foreign policy regarding women within the framework of Vision 2030. This research used qualitative methods with secondary data from various literature sources, such as books, journal articles, and official documents. The data was analyzed using James N. Rosenau's foreign policy concept, consisting of orientations, commitments or action plans, and forms of behaviour. This research finds that Saudi Arabia's exposure within the Vision 2030 framework is as a tourist destination, financial and commercial centre, as well as a trade centre for a leading exporter of clean energy by including women’s involement. Commitment or action plans are demonstrated through the ambitious master plan contained in Vision 2030. Some forms of behaviour are presented, including cooperation with Sweden regarding the SHE-Leads Program and cooperation with Korea regarding the involvement of Korean companies in Biban.</em></p> Bhilla Aliffitria ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 7 2 152 176 10.35748/jurnalicmes.v7i2.178 Ideologi dan Politik Identitas https://www.ic-mes.org/jurnal/index.php/jurnalICMES/article/view/175 <p><em>The dynamics of the Palestinian struggle are also colored by the communist movement. </em><em>This article discusses one of the periods of development of communism in Palestine, namely the founding of the Palestinian Communist Party (PCP) in 1923-1982. PCP was initially founded and dominated by Jewish immigrants from Russia. After officially joining the Communist International (Comintern), they received instructions to carry out Arabization within their party. This Arabization aims to enable the PCP to recruit Arabs and support the struggle of the Arab community, which is the majority in Palestine. This article analyzes the PCP's failure to unite Arabs and Jews, which was caused by differences in political interests. This research uses a narrative and empirical historical approach using critical historical methods (heuristics, verification, interpretation and historiography). The theory used in this research is the theory of ideology and identity politics. The findings of this research are that the emergence of identity politics between Arabs and Jews in the PKP has led to several internal (Arabization) and external policies (British White Paper 1939), which resulted in a dualism that thwarted their efforts to become a revolutionary party against British colonialism in Palestine.</em></p> Faishal Sultan Bagaskara ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 7 2 177 200 10.35748/jurnalicmes.v7i2.175 Peran Ormas Muhammadiyah sebagai Faith-Based Organization dalam Memberikan Respons Kemanusiaan terhadap Rakyat Palestina https://www.ic-mes.org/jurnal/index.php/jurnalICMES/article/view/176 <p><em>The protracted conflict between Israel and Palestine, which is still unresolved, has resulted in hundreds of thousands of Palestinians being displaced and in dire need of humanitarian assistance. This issue become a great concern to all international relations actors, including religious organizations. This article will discuss the role of the religion-based organization, namely Muhammadiyah, in providing humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian community. The author uses qualitative research methods with an explanatory approach. Data collection was carried out using library research techniques, namely data collection techniques sourced from books, scientific journals, research reports, mass media news, and official documents. In analyzing the data, the author uses the concepts of “Muhammadiyah” and Faith-Based Organization. The findings of this research are that Muhammadiyah's activities related to Palestine consist of four dimensions, namely providing humanitarian assistance, developing the view that defending Palestine is part of Islamic activism, collecting humanitarian funds, and providing advocacy for Palestinian independence and increasing awareness of the Indonesian people about this issue.</em></p> Moh. Talabul Talabul Amal Laras Putri Olifiani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 7 2 201 220 10.35748/jurnalicmes.v7i2.176 Nilai Toleransi pada Bingkai Kebijakan Dalam dan Luar Negeri UAE https://www.ic-mes.org/jurnal/index.php/jurnalICMES/article/view/160 <p><em>Starting at the end of the 20th century, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) began to focus its policies on forming a national identity because the migrant population dominated the local population. To overcome this phenomenon, increase investment and economic growth, and maintain domestic harmonization, the UAE government is trying to shape a national identity and implement the value of tolerance in its domestic and foreign policies. This article will describe how the UAE uses tolerance to form a national identity in its domestic and foreign policies and how the Islamic religion plays a role. This research uses qualitative methods and the concept of constructivism in foreign policy. The study finds that the UAE has implemented several approaches to create a national identity full of tolerance to achieve its national interests, namely investment, economic growth, the tourism industry and regional security.</em></p> Muhamad Alim Alwi Akbar Mochammad Izdiyan Muttaqin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 7 2 221 233 10.35748/jurnalicmes.v7i2.160 Israel’s Policies to the US-Iraq Wars of 1991 and 2003: https://www.ic-mes.org/jurnal/index.php/jurnalICMES/article/view/187 <p>The United States waged two important wars against Iraq under the rule of Saddam Hussein, which had significant regional and global consequences. Israeli policy and decision-makers, among whom the IDF<a href="#_edn1" name="_ednref1">[i]</a> was strongly influential as well, followed realist policies on these wars based on interest calculations. This article studies and makes an analysis of Israeli policies on both wars. In this vein, the article firstly touches upon the theory of realism to emphasize the role of interest defined in terms of power in foreign policy. Then, this article argues that Israel made rational choices in the US-Iraq Wars of 1991 and 2003. Finally, the article concludes that Israel continues to be guided first and foremost by national security concerns in the implementation of its foreign policy, which corresponds to the thinking of realist theory, as recently seen in the Syrian civil war, which erupted in March 2011.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="#_ednref1" name="_edn1">[i]</a> The IDF: Israel Defense Forces, the military of the State of Israel.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Derviş Fikret Ünal ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-14 2024-01-14 7 2 234 250 10.35748/jurnalicmes.v7i2.187